Your have come to the last Episode- This is really wonderful.
Now, I think you know what my question looks like.
I am sure that some of you have found the right answer.
If you have, please write to
Your first step is always most important.
Because the first step can always create something new.
Because the first step only can change the life of yours and ours…
For those who love history, here comes the question.
Episode Ten- History
“Which region in the world do you think human history started?
Egypt is famous for its Pyramids and Sphinx.
What do you think they mean?”
Please remember that this is not a question of history in academic or practical sense.
There is only one answer for all 10 episodes.
You can look back all or some of the past Episodes.
10 Episodes are asking 10 different questions, but
the answer is same.
Is that strange? No. I do not think so.
We are all different people, different height, weight, language etc..
However, we are same human, or same animal, or
same substance on the earth….
What is the answer for all these 10 Episodes?
The answer is right in front of you.